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Finding My Way Back to Me (CARING FOR SELF)

This course is a mindset shifting experience that will help you identify the barriers that are keeping you bound. This mini e-course includes (3 videos) and one practical guide (e-book) that help you reconnect with your authentic self. You will learn to put yourself back at the top of your priorty list by gaining a healthier view of yourself. Having a healthy view of self is the pre-requiste to an intentional life as a woman.

4 Modules

3 Reasons You May Struggle with Self-Care

3 Reasons you may struggle with self-care.

You ever wonder:

Why is self-care so hard?

Watch this video it may help you see things a little clearer.

3 Things You need to Understand about Self-Care

Three Things I need you to understand about practicing Self-Care.

What does self-care mean to you?
What does it look like?
How is it improving your health?
Are you struggling to see the results you desire.. watch the video this may help you find out why.

Modules for this course 4
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 $ 77.00 USD

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